Sara Rosso

Sara est VIP Global Services Manager pour la société Automattic (notamment derrière Elle travaille dans le secteur de la technologie depuis 1996 pour des entreprises comme Hewlett-Packard et Ogilvy, et elle utilise WordPress depuis 2006. Sara est également une écrivain, une photographe, une fan de technologie et une experte en stratégie digitale et business. Elle est originaire de Californie et en Italie vit depuis 10 ans. Elle réside actuellement à Milan.

A propos Xavier Borderie

French. Born in April 1977. Lives in Paris, France. By day: Head of Tech Content at PayFit, working in the Engineering team. Previously working at JDNet, Netvibes, PrestaShop, Sigfox. By night... * French WordPress translator since Day 1 (roughly v1.2), to this day. * Co-founder of the WordPress-Francophone non-profit, and president/head-decider from 2008 to 2015. * Lead organizer of 4 WordPress barcamps and 4 WordCamps so far (all in Paris). Consigliere for WordCamp Paris 2016. * Member of the organization team of WordCamp Europe 2013, 2014, and 2017. * Representative for the French community at the Community Summit 2012 & 2014. * Co-writer of 3 editions of the first and main French WordPress book, published by Pearson. All around nice guy. Update in 2020: * Husband since 2016! * Father since 2018! * I'm much less active these days, but still watching!